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Dog Health & Wellness

Blog Posts for Dog People

Writer's pictureDough ReMia

Let's Celebrate National Dog Day!

Updated: Aug 25

HISTORY of National Dog Day:

National Dog Day (NDD) is celebrated every year on August 26 and was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige.

NDD celebrates all dogs, regardless of their breed. “The mission is to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year and acknowledge family dogs and dogs that work selflessly each day to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort.” ( Honestly, is there anything better than a dog?

Dogs of all shapes, sizes & breeds are there for us in more ways than we can ever explain. Their constant love, loyalty, comfort and friendship is like nothing else. Other than being our personal therapists and constant companions, they also “put their lives on the line every day...for personal protection, for law enforcement, for the disabled, for our freedom and safety by detecting bombs and drugs and pulling victims of tragedy from wreckage, now they're detecting cancer and seizures...things even humans cannot do.” (

Unfortunately, millions of dogs who were once “wanted” as a birthday or holiday gift, or more recently as a companion during the Covid pandemic, are now unwanted. It's hard to believe, but some owners did not realize how to properly care for their new family member or did not realize the amount of responsibility involved in caring for their new pup. They're unwanted because they shed too much, bark too much or unwanted simply because someone changed their mind. As a dog lover, we know that all a dog wants to do is love you and be loved by you. Hence, National Dog Day- Let's celebrate these amazing animals and let them know how much they mean to us day in and day out.


Ways to Celebrate! (with some Deals & Freebies, too!):

  1. Adopt a dog from a local shelter or from a purebred rescue organization (these dogs deserve a second chance)

  2. Volunteer at a local shelter to walk or play with the dogs or *donate money or supplies. There are so many dogs at shelters that need food, blankets, and love. (*Dough ReMia’s Doggie Dough will be donating a portion of sales to local charities around the country. Contact us to learn more.)

  3. Have a National Dog Day Party and invite all your friends and their dogs.

  4. Have a portrait painted of your dog or plan a photoshoot (using your phone’s camera works perfectly fine, too- I’m sure there’s room for a few more photos of your dog sleeping!)

  5. Buy your dog a new toy (or 2 or 3 or more!) from a local pet store or online (,,

  6. Spend quality time with your dog: go for a walk, play fetch or another favorite game, or massage "hard to reach" areas around their neck, back, hips, or just spend some time scratching their neck, tummy, or ears. To them, it doesn't get much better than that!

  7. Spoil your dog with his/her favorite treats. Even better, bake your dog fresh-from-your-oven treats (because who knows how long those other treats have been in a box sitting on the shelf?) If you want to keep it easy and healthy, we suggest using oven-ready Doggie Dough from Dough ReMia's Doggie Dough ( Just shape & bake! Or, if you want to make your own, visit our blog posts for other dog treat recipe ideas & suggestions. It feels so good to TREAT your dog WELL!

  8. And, most obviously, say "I Love You" to your dog an extra few times throughout the day! They love to hear your voice.

  9. Whatever you do to celebrate NDD, have fun and enjoy your time with your dog(s). Each day with your fur-baby is truly a gift. We are the lucky ones!

  10. Check out some deals to celebrate your favorite pooch on August 26: Click HERE

To put it simply, dogs are the BEST!
(I have a strong feeling I am not alone with that statement...)



We'd love to hear what you do to celebrate NDD & see your photos:

Follow & Tag us on IG @dough_remia #DoggieDough


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